{Conversation with Sandra}outspokenenlife (10:25:40 PM): results up!
AsianxChick90210 (10:25:48 PM): I saw
AsianxChick90210 (10:25:50 PM): I'm so shocked!
outspokenenlife (10:25:53 PM): Rading now.
outspokenenlife (10:26:18 PM): Lmao.
outspokenenlife (10:26:21 PM): I am too
AsianxChick90210 (10:26:29 PM): lol
AsianxChick90210 (10:27:49 PM): Maybe Amber will self vote...
AsianxChick90210 (10:27:50 PM): lol
outspokenenlife (10:28:07 PM): LMAO.
outspokenenlife (10:28:10 PM): Wishful thinking
AsianxChick90210 (10:28:18 PM): Always helps to be optamistic :-)
outspokenenlife (10:28:26 PM): Too true.
AsianxChick90210 (10:32:57 PM): Well it will be interesting now to see how they frame the argument against one of us
AsianxChick90210 (10:33:03 PM): I expect it to be me again
AsianxChick90210 (10:33:13 PM): When does Amber get back from her conference? Do we know?
outspokenenlife (10:33:29 PM): I think Monday
outspokenenlife (10:33:35 PM): And I think they may target Steph this time or you.
outspokenenlife (10:33:46 PM): Since Steph didn't seem to be around much
AsianxChick90210 (10:33:49 PM): I think we should vote Amber for that reason
outspokenenlife (10:34:02 PM): Yeah, agreed.
AsianxChick90210 (10:34:27 PM): - In the event of a tie, we'll have a revote where you can only vote for the players it tied for. If there's still a tie after that, the tied players will face off in a challenge.
outspokenenlife (10:34:42 PM): She is good at challenges I think
AsianxChick90210 (10:34:51 PM): I think all of them are though right?
outspokenenlife (10:35:44 PM): I think so
AsianxChick90210 (10:36:22 PM): I'm trying to see how we can survive this
AsianxChick90210 (10:36:33 PM): We might not even have to play an idol
AsianxChick90210 (10:36:43 PM): I really want that idol to last us in the game lol
AsianxChick90210 (10:36:47 PM): I don't want to play it early
outspokenenlife (10:36:55 PM): Agreed
AsianxChick90210 (10:37:02 PM): I mean worst case scenario one of us leaves
outspokenenlife (10:37:03 PM): But I'd better do it than feel sorry
AsianxChick90210 (10:37:08 PM): Best case scenario one of them leave
AsianxChick90210 (10:37:25 PM): Not a horrible scenario is Stephenie leaves over us
AsianxChick90210 (10:37:30 PM): If they voted her and then if she lost the tie
AsianxChick90210 (10:37:39 PM): Cause then if our tribe lost again we have an idol and we know they can only vote one of us
AsianxChick90210 (10:37:45 PM): So we have a 50% chance of getting it right
outspokenenlife (10:37:51 PM): Thats true
outspokenenlife (10:37:54 PM): but we don't have the nubmers the
outspokenenlife (10:37:56 PM): then*
outspokenenlife (10:38:01 PM): it'd be 2-2 after that
AsianxChick90210 (10:38:01 PM): We don't need them though
AsianxChick90210 (10:38:02 PM): We have an idol
outspokenenlife (10:38:09 PM): I mean after we play it.
AsianxChick90210 (10:38:11 PM): Yeah, but I doubt the tribes stay that long
outspokenenlife (10:38:16 PM): I think F16
AsianxChick90210 (10:38:17 PM): And I doubt we lose so much
outspokenenlife (10:38:19 PM): Or next round eventually.
AsianxChick90210 (10:38:51 PM): So I wouldn't be terribly concerned
outspokenenlife (10:38:59 PM): We're at 19 now, right?
AsianxChick90210 (10:39:02 PM): Yeah
AsianxChick90210 (10:39:06 PM): So will be 18 after this
outspokenenlife (10:39:08 PM): We probably swap next round or at F16 I guess.
AsianxChick90210 (10:39:14 PM): Agreed
AsianxChick90210 (10:39:17 PM): 2 tribes of 8 seems to make sense
outspokenenlife (10:39:34 PM): outspokenenlife
Do you have any ideA?
Shawna Mitchell
steph or misty i guess... although I hate to vote anyone :-\
outspokenenlife (10:39:35 PM): Lawl.
AsianxChick90210 (10:39:45 PM): Of course
AsianxChick90210 (10:39:46 PM): ol
outspokenenlife (10:39:50 PM): I totally didn't call this one.
outspokenenlife (10:39:52 PM): SHOOCKER.
AsianxChick90210 (10:39:54 PM): LOL
AsianxChick90210 (10:45:05 PM): Chase is talking to me now
AsianxChick90210 (10:45:11 PM): Telling me he doesn't think I will be a target this time
AsianxChick90210 (10:45:21 PM): I'm waiting for the...I think Stephenie should go blah bah blah
outspokenenlife (10:45:30 PM): Lmao
outspokenenlife (10:45:34 PM): He hasn't IM'd me yet.
outspokenenlife (10:47:31 PM): Let me know what he says, cuz he ain't talking to me and Shawna is saying she doesn't *know* what ot od.
AsianxChick90210 (10:47:32 PM): Now Shawna is IMing me
AsianxChick90210 (10:47:35 PM): Those two are in sink
outspokenenlife (10:47:40 PM): Lmao
AsianxChick90210 (10:47:45 PM): *sync
AsianxChick90210 (10:47:47 PM): lol wrong sink ;-)
outspokenenlife (10:47:49 PM): they may try to get is vote e/o
outspokenenlife (10:47:54 PM): LOL.
outspokenenlife (10:48:04 PM): I can't read properly at this time anyway.
outspokenenlife (10:48:07 PM): 6 am here.
AsianxChick90210 (10:48:18 PM): oh shiz lol
outspokenenlife (10:48:24 PM): lmao
outspokenenlife (10:48:31 PM): dont curse
outspokenenlife (10:48:32 PM): :-P
AsianxChick90210 (10:48:36 PM): I didn't
AsianxChick90210 (10:48:40 PM): I was close though ;-)
AsianxChick90210 (10:48:41 PM): lol
outspokenenlife (10:48:45 PM): for you
outspokenenlife (10:48:48 PM): you tottally did
outspokenenlife (10:48:49 PM): :-P
AsianxChick90210 (10:48:51 PM): LOL so true
AsianxChick90210 (10:49:04 PM): Yeah I'm not the cursing type
AsianxChick90210 (10:49:14 PM): I can't think of the last time in a game I cursed at someone lol
outspokenenlife (10:49:25 PM): LOL.
outspokenenlife (10:49:31 PM): You had to deal with Burton in Shadow AS
outspokenenlife (10:49:32 PM):
AsianxChick90210 (10:50:43 PM): LOL!!!
AsianxChick90210 (10:51:01 PM): Ya know I didn't mind him as much that time then the first time
outspokenenlife (10:51:10 PM): LMAO.
outspokenenlife (10:51:14 PM): He is .. annoying to say the least.
AsianxChick90210 (10:51:24 PM): I mean I disliked Shawn more lol
outspokenenlife (10:51:29 PM): LMAO.
outspokenenlife (10:51:32 PM): Is he that bad?
outspokenenlife (10:51:36 PM): I am in a game with him.
outspokenenlife (10:51:37 PM): :-\
AsianxChick90210 (10:51:43 PM): He just isn't loyal
outspokenenlife (10:51:52 PM): He isn't? Ew.
AsianxChick90210 (10:52:07 PM): He will go after you ten times and then when he needs you in the game, he expects you to be there for him
AsianxChick90210 (10:52:09 PM): Its like..No lol
outspokenenlife (10:52:21 PM): ROFL.
AsianxChick90210 (10:52:21 PM): That's not how it works lol
outspokenenlife (10:52:30 PM): Hypocrite~
outspokenenlife (10:53:16 PM): I am not realy fond of him at all.
AsianxChick90210 (10:54:30 PM): I'm in FvF with him I noticed....
AsianxChick90210 (10:54:38 PM): He wa not part of the original cast so I don't get why he's here now lol
AsianxChick90210 (10:54:47 PM): For drama? lol
outspokenenlife (10:54:53 PM): LMAO.
AsianxChick90210 (10:54:56 PM): Its going to be like my 6th game with him
outspokenenlife (10:55:01 PM): LOL.
outspokenenlife (10:55:06 PM): How do you feel 'bout that?
AsianxChick90210 (10:55:24 PM): I mean its not going to really change anything
AsianxChick90210 (10:55:31 PM): Its like I will hear him out
AsianxChick90210 (10:55:35 PM): I'm sure as always he will target me
AsianxChick90210 (10:55:37 PM): I won't target him
AsianxChick90210 (10:55:40 PM): He'll self destruct
outspokenenlife (10:55:47 PM): ROFL.
AsianxChick90210 (10:55:49 PM): And then when people want him gone I'll be like "Count me in"
outspokenenlife (10:55:54 PM): He likes to be in charge I noticed.
AsianxChick90210 (10:56:01 PM): Yeah its his way or no way
outspokenenlife (10:56:06 PM): Lmao.
outspokenenlife (10:56:11 PM): Does he get mad
outspokenenlife (10:56:15 PM): when it doesn't go his way?
AsianxChick90210 (10:56:36 PM): I mean not mad like angry/mean
AsianxChick90210 (10:56:47 PM): Just like telling you why you're wrong and he's right
AsianxChick90210 (10:56:52 PM): When he's really just wrong lol
outspokenenlife (10:56:56 PM): LOL.
outspokenenlife (10:57:00 PM): He seems a bit bitter
AsianxChick90210 (10:57:05 PM): Maybe
AsianxChick90210 (10:57:13 PM): Well I'll never forget one thing he said to me...
AsianxChick90210 (10:57:20 PM): "Why can't you just let me beat you for once!!"
AsianxChick90210 (10:57:24 PM): I was like..lol
outspokenenlife (10:57:27 PM): ROOFL.
AsianxChick90210 (10:57:28 PM): Sorry?
outspokenenlife (10:57:36 PM): He beat you in Kakadu
outspokenenlife (10:57:39 PM): So yay for him.
outspokenenlife (10:57:40 PM): Lol.
AsianxChick90210 (10:57:40 PM): I think Kakadu was the first time he's ever placed higher then me
AsianxChick90210 (10:57:43 PM): Exactly!
AsianxChick90210 (10:57:45 PM): We were never on the same tribe though
outspokenenlife (10:57:51 PM): lmao
outspokenenlife (10:57:57 PM): Why does he target you anyway?
AsianxChick90210 (10:58:06 PM): Well since Shadow Pearl Islands
AsianxChick90210 (10:58:13 PM): We were actually good friends and always aligned with each other
AsianxChick90210 (10:58:26 PM): Even in Pearl Islands we were until he was making mutiple deals behind my back and turning on our original tribe
outspokenenlife (11:00:49 PM): Oh, lol.
outspokenenlife (11:00:53 PM): He is kind of hady I'd say.
AsianxChick90210 (11:01:31 PM): Yeah
AsianxChick90210 (11:01:33 PM): I think he means well
AsianxChick90210 (11:01:43 PM): He just doesn't really get loyalty
AsianxChick90210 (11:02:00 PM): He's not like evil or trying to be a villain
outspokenenlife (11:02:09 PM): xD
outspokenenlife (11:02:35 PM): Omfg @ Chorizo's story.
outspokenenlife (11:04:35 PM): Chase isn't replying tot my ims.
AsianxChick90210 (11:04:44 PM): He went to go take a shower
outspokenenlife (11:04:59 PM): Ohh.
outspokenenlife (11:07:23 PM): Tbh.
outspokenenlife (11:07:30 PM): Bayonaca did Hunger Games too.
outspokenenlife (11:07:35 PM): I think Cahse did it on purpose.
AsianxChick90210 (11:09:18 PM): What do you mean?
outspokenenlife (11:09:33 PM): Idk, but him and BJ may've talked 'bout it.
outspokenenlife (11:09:40 PM): I mean, honestly IDK why Chase posted it all by himself.
outspokenenlife (11:09:54 PM): When it clearly said taem effort would be judged.
AsianxChick90210 (11:12:21 PM): That would be a very foolish risk though
outspokenenlife (11:12:27 PM): I know.
outspokenenlife (11:12:29 PM): But it made no sense.
AsianxChick90210 (11:15:13 PM): I think they were probably frustrated no one seemed to be doing anything
AsianxChick90210 (11:15:15 PM): So they just did it
AsianxChick90210 (11:15:18 PM): by themselves
outspokenenlife (11:15:32 PM): Yeah, maybe that.
outspokenenlife (11:15:37 PM): We were kind of disfunctional, lol.
outspokenenlife (11:15:45 PM): WE nevere had a chat 'bout it
AsianxChick90210 (11:15:46 PM): Yeah we were lol