Shawna Hey Semhar
Semhar Hey!
How was your St-Pattys?
Shawna it was fun
how was yours?
Semhar Great!
Shawna did you drink green beer?
Semhar YES, obviously, you can't go out and not get green beer.
Shawna lol
Semhar I assume you did too?
Shawna no, just beer lol
they didn't have green beer
maybe too hard to dye guinness
Semhar Maybe, that sucks though.
Shawna btw I agree with you about Misty
she is very smart and I have a feeling she is pretty set on her tribe
as far as her safety
Semhar I don't see how they don't see it. Bobby Jon and me talked about it over aim and he kept pushing towards giving it to her.
Shawna he probably has a deal
Semhar You think?
Semhar I hope not because I feel strongly about not giving it to her.
Shawna I do too
I'm talking to Amber to try to get her to change her "vote"
okay this is what I think
and I could be wrong
but first BJ mentioned savage
and then he was all for agreeing about misty
misty is captain so she has to have had deals about who she picked to be on her tribe and Im sure she has an alliance
so she's not going anywhere
idc how long since she signed on
Semhar And we have to remember there's an invisible user on the board.
Shawna but I think BJ might have told savage he'd try to pick him
Semhar And she could still come back. Since they aren't going to Tribal.
Shawna and maybe savage/misty are aligned
bj knows a lot of people
basically i just dont want to pick whoever he suggests lol
Semhar Misty DID pick Savage first.
Shawna yep
Semhar I don't even care if Tammy gets it, I just don't want it to go to Misty and them.
Shawna i agree
Semhar I guess Amber is the only way to tie it, Chase voted with them to make majority...
Shawna I saw that
I am trying to talk to chase but he's not ansewring
Semhar he stopped answering me too
Shawna he does that a lot though
I think he might be at work
Semhar oh, probably
Shawna okay i just looked through all the faces of people who were online in the last 24 hours as far as the players
so unless that invisible user is a pw, it's misty
Shawna and why would a pw be invisible?
Semhar they have no reason to be
at all
Shawna yep
Semhar Misty probably went invisible so people would believe her whenever she had an excuse to not do the challenge.
Shawna Okay semhar I heard that Tom has a hii - and he was picked 4th on their tribe, so if there is an alliance of the top three, or maybe the top four picked, we are just giving them another clue on top of an hii. I think your idea of tammy is right because she was picked last. she is kind of quiet so I am betting she's not in tight with the group.
Shawna amber posted that she is not sold but I think she needs to post a name or it's going to misty
Semhar Good, at least we got her more to see our point of view.
Well, you got her haha
Does Tom really have a HII?
Shawna I think he got 3 clues so unless he's a total moron he should
if you have 3 clues it points to the hii
Semhar ooooh yeah you told me this before
Shawna and I re-read my clue - it says "one of the hii's"
Semhar damn
Shawna so there have to be one for each tribe
Semhar I was about to say that, but I am sure anyone can claim it.
Shawna yeah idk
Semhar I hope we can keep the momentum from winning.
Shawna me too
Shawna we sooo overworked but we won so that's good lol
now i kind of wish bayonaca lost because salchicha will just vote off sekou
Semhar That's what I posted in my confessional, but at the same time, next time they lose they'll have to do something.
Shawna true
but we keep looking at salchicha as so strong..and they are. But we can't discount Bayonaca either
Shawna anyway, I just want to do the opposite of whatever BJ says lol
Semhar Yes, thats true. I just feel if it came down to it, we have a better shot against Bayonaca.
Plus, BJ's people are on Salchicha.
Shawna he probably has people scattered
Semhar True. If we lose again he is for sure the vote, right?
Shawna I want to vote him yes
Semhar Has Chase said anything else about it?
Shawna hopefully we can convince two more people
no but just the fact he brought his name of last time means he might be willing
*his name up
Semhar Yes, true. I think if we get that Mick would go with majority.
Shawna yeah im sure he would
Semhar Amber listens to you a lot too, so I think its doable.
Shawna we'll see if she does - I think she listens to BJ too
Semhar BJ is a charmer for sure.
Shawna it says if we dont pick by noon it'll be randomized
and by then it was 2/2 misty v tammy
Semhar lmfao its past noon
Shawna i know lol
amber just posted tammy
Semhar I guess at least we have a 50/50 chance?
Shawna yeah
chase is a blockhead
lol js
Semhar lol whyy
Shawna idk lol
I like him but sometimes I just feel like he's the strong silent type
unless he really wants misty to have it idk
Semhar He is, he doesn't talk much or when he does its like short periods of time, it makes it kinda hard when we are so chatty.
He is hard to read.
Shawna I agree
Semhar It makes me nervous, I'd rather know where people stand.
Shawna me too
Semhar Which is why I trust you the most.
I don't think you are sketchy at all.
Shawna because I tell you everything Im thinking lol
and thanks I trust you the most too
Semhar haha yeah :-P
we just have a good open communication
Shawna I value you the most out of everyone in the tribe
well game lol
but you know what i mean
Semhar Yeah, I feel the same way. 100%
Shawna Oh Lord I'll just say it lol. Do you want a F2 with me?
Semhar YES!
Shawna lol okay!
Semhar It was kind of a given lol
Shawna I hate to make deals like that too early but I thnk we're far enough into the game
I agree but when I say it I mean it so I just like to make sure you know
Semhar I know exactly what you mean, because things can change so fast but I think we have established enough trust.
I am good with my word too, I don't like breaking it.
Shawna cool lol
well we're pretty much on the same page
with our thoughts/opinions
Shawna and we're both strong and you're very smart lol
and this Misty you obviously saw alarms when they started saying Misty
Semhar Thanks! But I agree, we seem to think very similarly even about the people playing the game, so that's good. Because we won't get into many arguuments or disagreements.
Semhar Sorry to cut this short. I have to finish cleaning the place before my one remaining roommate comes back now that I have the chance lol
I will talk to you later tonight. Have a good one Shawna!
Shawna [Offline IM sent 36m ago] np i'll ttyl
Me and Shawna are officially a Final Two! Who is excited? I am, I feel like it's gonna be bomb. I haven't made a Final 2 with someone I don't really know in SUCH a long time, it's a nice feeling.