Post by Semhar Tadesse on Apr 3, 2012 0:43:10 GMT -5
Well, she has been talking about what a horrible human being I have become [Sandra's old SN is bonbon, we used to play a lot together back in the day] and just how she can't believe I have the job I have being a role-model for other people. Just basically completely destroying my character outside of this game, which I don't think should be brought into the game whatsoever, because outside of this games I have a really good life which I'm satisfied with, and yes I have done some fucked up shit but I have grown from it. I'm not a "vile human being" or any of the things, this girl knows a lot of personal information about me from back in the day which even though it's not a complete secret I do not desire it to come out and have people talk about. She said a lot of things, I don't log my conversations and I blocked/deleted her already so it's not like I can go back and tell you exactly what she said, but what I said before are some of the things she has mentioned. Which, perhaps it's because I'm emotional, and do let me know if that is the case, but they sound like personal attacks because my profession or what I do outside of here or how I behave in my everyday life should not be brought to the game whatsoever.
Am I completely over-reacting?
Post by The One and Only BOB DAWG on Apr 3, 2012 1:14:35 GMT -5
not cool
Post by Semhar Tadesse on Apr 3, 2012 17:46:45 GMT -5
EPISODE IX ”Don’t wish Sandra on me!” Amazing episode title by Shawna, yesterday during the tribe picks when I said I hope Sandra wasn’t on my tribe, that was what she said [before we knew there were three tribes].
BAM! We are back in business, and despite my highly emotional and train-wreckish last round I am back ready to make some shit happen. Sort of. I am back in school so my time will be more limited since I have class + homework + RA responsibilities, but I am going to give it my all, I should be able to keep up. And there is no way I’m just gonna lay down and die, sorry to disappoint the haters.
Regardless, the tribe swap was both a blessing and a curse, a curse because I was in such a great position back in Salchicha, but it’s a blessing because I don’t have to deal with Sandra anymore. I am definitively going to miss Bobby Jon, Mike and Shawna though, I definitively became close to all of them. Even Bobby Jon who I quarreled with is someone who I can say became a friend and I hope to meet at merge. Now he is with Chelsea, so maybe he has a chance? Shawna told me that he said they dated [Chelsea and BJ] and that’s how he knew all the information, so maybe he can work that to his advantage, because quite frankly he looks to be in the worst position as of right now. He said Mick was not with us, and Sekou is a wild-card, I think… so he is probably going to be the first one gone, unless he can get an idol or something.
Mine and Shawna’s tribe on the other hand are completely dependent on a swing vote, here it’s Andrew and over there is Stephanie. I would rather have another swing vote besides Andrew. He is SO quiet and hard to read, he makes me nervous. If I was certain he’d choose me and Chase over Sydney and Matt then I would throw challenges to save BJ and possibly Shawna/Mike, but without being certain it’s impossible to make any plans.
I need to figure this out, because this is a battle between the Capitol and the Power Rangers and it doesn’t look very fresh for us. So we shall see, to all of those Power Ranger supporters please keep your fingers crossed, you know as much as I do that we need a major break this next few rounds!
Post by Semhar Tadesse on Apr 4, 2012 15:23:13 GMT -5
EPISODE IX ”Don’t wish Sandra on me!” This:
This REALLY isn't the type of challenge I can help much in. I never talked to the majority of people voted out. Pissed me off, he knows we need him so he had decided to put zero effort into the challenge, and he is not going to. Guessing or giving an opinion doesn't take too long or too much effort either, so he is just being a douche-bag, and if we lose he won't go home because he is the tie-breaker. As a competitor [gosh, I sound like Rachel Reilly] I don't like when people don't even put a minimum effort, unless you are throwing the challenge which he can't be since Syd/Matt are trying, but I resent it.
I almost wish I could strike a deal with Sydney [who, I found out is Shadow [which means Chelsea is Ashlee]] and Matt to vote his ass out first and then battle it out between the two alliances. But if I'm the one to bring it up then they can rely that information to Andrew and he would go to their side, so it's basically impossible to make it happen.
The war between the Power Ranger and the Capitol should be straight up, all the peasants and side-line expectators should be exterminated first so that either side wins. Wouldn't it be ironic if after a season of intense war between two sides it was the one person who didn't get involved who won?
Anyways, strategically I'm trying to get to know Matt [and I'll try with Sydney too once she comes online] to make sure that Chase is the first target when we lose. Then again Sydney was very involved with my "outting" so she might have a vendetta against me that I didn't know about. But hopefully that isn't the case and we can all be mature about things, or at least I get to be the last Power Ranger standing in Pahlawan.
Post by Semhar Tadesse on Apr 5, 2012 20:34:13 GMT -5
EPISODE IX ”Don’t wish Sandra on me!” I’m SO pissed off, like SO mad! That challenge was mine to win, sort of. I had it all done real fast, the puzzle was what slowed me down, but I had the password in a matter of seconds, and then when I’m trying to post the puzzle my computer freezes and when it loads again Matt is all done, I mean maybe he had the lead all along, but I really wanted to at least finish strong. And now my chances of going home are SO big! With Matt immune our only possible vote is Sydney unless we somehow manage to get Andrew out, which I doubt is doable.
But now it’s like I’m in so much danger and there’s only so much I can do. I have been super social with Sydney and we get along greatly, and I have been social with Matt as well who I hope likes me. But knowing Sydney is the one who outted my alias and all that bulsh I feel like I might be the target regardless. I just hope something good happens, if there’s a chance to vote out Andrew… I really want to vote him out, and my Semhar character would do that since she would vote with her heart. But should I risk my game for something like that?
I could easily be voted out… this is just soooo disappointing. I feel like I have done so good that leaving before the merge or the jury would be heart-breaking. It’s time to scramble, I guess. Wish me luck please! I will def need it
Post by Semhar Tadesse on Apr 6, 2012 6:41:34 GMT -5
EPISODE X ”If I go, I want to vote for her stinky ass!” So I definitively just realized that it’s Episode Ten already, the confessional above was supposed to be part of Ten as well, but I don’t want to edit it because then it will have that ugly edit thing at the bottom… maybe, we’ll see.
Anyways… HOLY FUCKING MERGE! Can you believe it’s here already? Well, I guess you can since it was planned and probably shared with all the current viewers before. I’m also certain you guys are enjoying the scrambling and major paranoia, I would be too if it wasn’t because I left just as we merged because of a previous compromise so I’m kind of walking around in the dark now.
When it comes to the actual game things are about to get super hairy. I want to attempt to do an alliance break-up… The Capitol – Seeing how I’m the narrator of this, it is easy to assume I will describe them as the Evil side. Clearly they are vile, they have been known for punching babies and eating boiled puppies. They are the epitome of Evil and rumor has it the Devil himself is scared of crossing them. They are tight as Hell and it’s hard to enter their rankings, in which they have a very clear pecking order. The Capitol consists of Chelsea, Sydney, Matt, Sandra, for sure. Then they also seem to have Jay as a fifth wheel, and Tom and Mick as their grunts. Sekou may or may not be part of the Capitol as well. The Power Rangers – If the Capitol are the bad guys, this are obviously the heroes. They are amazing, they have been known for helping old ladies cross the street, rescue cats stuck on trees and doing every other cliché thing that superheroes do. No lies. Sadly the Power Rangers have an up-hill battle now that the merge is here because the Capitol has brain-washed everyone into joining their ranks. The Power Rangers are as follows: Chase [Black], Shawna [Pink], Semhar [Yellow], Mike [Blue], [Bobby Jon was Red but he died in a tragic accident probably caused by one of the vile Capitol people] and then Stephanie is probably with the Power Rangers too as the White Ranger, however she has yet to earn her uniform. The Stragglers – This are the people who have no sides, they are in the middle and will either skate by while the two power alliances destroy each other or will try to make a move when it’s too late. Quite frankly I think they are in the worst positions because they have very little chance to actually make it to the end, and in general they are not charming enough to win over a jury. This people are Andrew, for sure and probably Sekou [though he might be enlisted for the Capitol], and Tom and Mick to an extent, though they seem to have sworn loyalty to the Capitol. Stephanie might fit in here too, but only time will tell.
As you can see, the sides are very clear to some extent, there’s a couple of people who blur the lines but it looks like The Capitol has a very easy path to clear. It is to be expected that a Power Ranger will fall this round, and the rest will follow, but this is Survivor so anything can happen. So hope has not been lost fully.
I am hoping that my close bond with Sydney, who is one of the main Capitol people, and my good relation with Matt and Tom [and formerly Jay, and Mick] will make me one of the last targets for them. But you never know, because we all know Sandra’s dark baby-eating heart hates me the most, so it could be a struggle. My plan right now is to try to make the Capitol find some value in me, or at least make sure most of them like me for the most part. If I can get them to target the stragglers OR at least know who exactly is part of their alliance, that would be grand. I need to land where Sekou and Mick stand so I can see if we have any moving room as Power Rangers.
Also, from this point forward I believe my personal plan is to vote for Sandra, because of two reasons: 1. If I go home I want to leave voting for her, who is a vile human being. 2. It will look funny in the voting chart if every round until my possible eviction I vote for Sandra, it will definitively show the viewers the animosity between the two of us, which I always find enjoyable. However, there is one obstacle with this… I’m not sure I know that many words that rhyme with trash, vile, evil, and other words of the kind. Hopefully I can think of a lot of them, but we should see. Regardless I am going to vote for her every round, I don’t see the Power Rangers saying anything against it since we all share major distaste for her. Then again, I might vote someone else if there’s a 100% guarantee that I get to survive, but for right now Sandra is going to be receiving a lot of votes.
That’s it for now, I need to re-group with everyone and see where we all stand. Maybe see what the Capitol is thinking of doing. Also, I was thinking of doing a person analysis now that the merge is here, would anyone be interested in reading that at all? If not, there’s no point in spending my time trying to think of “funny” things to say about them.
Post by Semhar Tadesse on Apr 6, 2012 22:56:23 GMT -5
EPISODE XI ”It’s time to sell my soul to the devil…” Chase went home. No surprises there. I know it looked bad that I didn’t vote for Sekou, especially because I did know of the change and I could have changed it, but I knew we were not going to like have the numbers and quite frankly it’s about time that I did what I said I was gonna do for this character and vote with my heart every round. Which means Sandra is gonna get a lot of poems with her name written.
As of right now I will give myself between one and four rounds. It’s definitively going to be an uphill battle but I am hoping I can do something. I’m not sure why Stephanie and the others decided to go with the Capitol, but they are smart so I’m sure they have a back-up plan. Now I’m the one who needs to form a back-up plan.
Matt said he would be polite to me but he didn’t seem open to the idea of anything, Sydney and Jay might be my best options, with Stephanie. Shawna, and Mike are still on my side, but what can we do. If I had to guess Shawna is going to be gone as soon as she loses immunity. Which might give me some extra time, but if Shawna wins I am thinking it’s my head that will roll.
I am going to do my best to charm the Capitol and make it seem like I’m not a threat, though I am very much aware that it could easily backfire and make me seem as too much of a social threat, but a sister has to try. I ain’t going down without a fight.
And if I am, then I’m bringing out Detroit from inside of me. Which might turn to be interesting and dramatic
Post by Host Lex on Apr 6, 2012 23:03:02 GMT -5
Yes @ player analysis!
Post by Semhar Tadesse on Apr 7, 2012 0:33:46 GMT -5
EPISODE XI ”It’s time to sell my soul to the devil…” By popular demand [and you know it’s only because Lex is so popular that people have to say he was created in their series so they have a hook] here is my player analysis as of round 2 of the merge:
Chelsea aka the Devil, not because she is evil but because everyone seems to have sold their souls to her. It’s as simple as this: if you want to make it far into the game you need to be on Chelsea’s good side, if she thinks she owns your soul then she will keep you around, if she sees no use for you she will let you go. It is to be noted that from time to time she would give some treats to her followers [such as the Chase vote] to make them believe she is not the ultimate puppeteer.
Sydney aka the Siren, she will charm you with her sweet tongue and kind words, she is clearly the second in command to Chelsea, but unlike her she is a little more guarded with how much power she shows. The siren was a creature in Greek Mythology who would fly over boats and sing to the sailors, her voice was so beautiful that they would either jump to get at her, or they would follow her around and crash their boats sending them to their death-bed. Likewise Sydney will charm everyone until she either guides them to the rocks or they jump to protect her. Sadly, at this point I have been charmed by the siren’s song. I predict Sydney to win, she is smart and she follows one of the winner patterns [Y in their first name]
Matt aka Hercules, mostly due to his inhuman strength, he is clearly the one to beat when it comes to challenges from the people who are in the Capitol alliance. He is nice and polite but he doesn’t bullshit you, he knows where he stands and where you stand and will say it straight up, he makes sure that he has the respect from his alliance AND his competitors which is admirable. Matt is a great player but he won’t make it to the end since there is no way the girls will let him use his physical prowess as a selling point during the finals.
Sandra she is trash so I refuse to waste my breath talking about her flawed social game and less than impressive strategic and physical skills. Her nickname however should be the Goat, since that’s what she would be in the finals, and that’s the representation of Satan
Jay aka the Jester, if The Capitol was a court then Jay would be the one who is there to entertain the others, is he part of the alliance? Yes, but he has no shot at winning because he is more of a nice guy, I don’t see him making any moves until it’s too late, which means he will be beating himself up when he joins the rest of us at the jury. Tough love Jester, should have dethroned your Queen!
Tom, aka the Tampon. And why exactly is Tom a tampon? Easy! Because he won’t make the finals, and this has happened to him a million times before where this people brain-wash him, use him, abuse him and then dump him to the side, just like a tampon. Also, like a tampon he absorbs everything going on in the game and could use that information to further himself but he is so blind and foolish that he will take that information with him once he is flushed. And maybe once he gets flushed he will make the toilet back up and shit rain on the Capitol, but I doubt he will do that.
Mick aka the love fool, who I can guarantee either sold his soul to the devil or was charmed by the siren’s song. Basically Mick has no chance in Hell to make it to the end, he is being played like a fiddle and he probably won’t see it coming. So long almost Green Ranger! Hope it was worth it in the end. Stephanie aka The Hobbit. This bitch needs to stop being blinded by the Ring that the Devil gave her and throw into the Mount of Mordor [or whatever] so she can see the light and realize her destiny is to be with the Power Rangers. She will stay for as long as the Capitol feel like they can control her, but as soon as they find no use for her she will be sacrificed for the better good.
Andrew it pains me that Andrew is higher than the whole Power Rangers since he is so incredibly useless. He hasn’t done shit this whole game, he is hard to talk to and even harder to try and strategize with, all I can hope for is that he has a stroke and get med evac’d.
Sekou, aka the Celebrity. Quite frankly Sekou would be on spot number six but I heard from the Devil herself that she wanted to get rid of him sooner rather than later because he would be the perfect goat turned winner. He is likeable and he would win simply because the jury finds him amusing. Chelsea has set her eyes on him so there is no way he will make it past four more rounds.
Mike, the Blue Ranger. He is an absolute sweetheart and it pains me to see him getting screwed because he stuck with us, its sad because otherwise I could see him sneaking into a better position, but his bonds with us make him a dead man walking. To be honest I have been trying to protect him by denying his bond with us and blaming his vote on Andrew, I can only hope it helps somehow.
Semhar, the Yellow Ranger aka the Poet. That’s me, I won’t describe myself since that would be dumb ‘cause you guys are reading this, and you also know I have two or three rounds left unless a miracle happens.
Shawna, the Pink Ranger aka Public Enemy #1. She is my best friend in the game, but she is also the biggest threat which means she will go as soon as she loses immunity, she is the prime target which sucks because she has what it takes to win and she has played a great game.
That’s my analysis, hope it was somewhat good or entertaining.
Post by Semhar Tadesse on Apr 7, 2012 16:08:54 GMT -5
EPISODE XI ”It’s time to sell my soul to the devil…” So… I have been doing a lot of thinking, I am on borrowed time here, and I have been playing this game trying not to get involved into the rumor mill or doing anything that is petty. But… the Capitol exposed my alias and so far I have somewhat denied it, but now that I am going in a few rounds, should I just start to try and use it for my advantage? Or perhaps tell other players who they are outside of the alias to see if they would help me out?
Part of me wants to do it really bad because it could possibly save me some rounds, but at the same time it’s kind of playing dirty and I am not that kind of player at all so I’m very hesitant. But it’s a possibility, something to consider, I guess I just don’t want to leave looking as a hypocrite, since I’ve been talking about how everyone is such trash for outing me and stuff. But it could save me and potentially take me to the end, but is it worth it?
Stephanie just told me that the vote could turn to be Sekou, which would be a huge relief. I mean no one wants him to win and quite frankly he has been funny enough to make it happen, somehow. But I don’t know if I want to vote for Sekou, I mean I want to but at the same time I want to continue to vote for Sandra, because if they say it’s gonna be Sekou and then I get blindsided… yeah, that is gonna piss me off if I leave not voting for her. Plus it continues to send a message. Right?
I don’t know, maybe I’m being foolish since I know my options are very limited, but at this point I really don’t see room for much movement. I have no power because the people who are between alliances are not playing a smart game, they don’t realize the Capitol is SUPER tight and their best bet is either going with the Power Rangers or to jump from side to side each vote. There’s enough floaters to make it happen, if they wanted to. They will eventually get found, but meanwhile they would be able to eliminate the biggest competition and figure out how to wiggle their way into an alliance of their own.
Sadly, they are not that smart.
Post by no on Apr 9, 2012 20:55:59 GMT -5
HAHAHAHAHA @ Tom being a tampon!!! =P
Post by Semhar Tadesse on Apr 10, 2012 0:11:09 GMT -5
EPISODE XI ”It’s time to sell my soul to the devil…” Well, I was just told I am going home by The Tampon himself. He said that my name came up the most when they were discussing whom to vote out. Satan Spawn Diaz was the one who brought my name up, who is surprised? Definitively not me, obviously that bitch is going to get my final vote, now I just have to think of a really mean poem to dedicate to her on my way out.
I want to point out that I’m not going to give up and just let them vote me out, but considering how brainwashed all this people are I see my chances to be very slim. I’m not a quitter by any means, but I’m not naïve either, I know where all this people stand and what their thought process is probably like. So, I’ll give it a shot but I’m not going to hold any hopes at all, I’d rather be surprised by my plan working than disappointed by my efforts going to the trash.
I am not sure what my angle is going to be, without Shawna going to Tribal that means that I only have SO many options to wiggle around. And it looks like Sydney/Chelsea might not even back me up in the case of something happening, ‘cause they are most likely in on the plan and agreed to it. How am I even that big of a threat at this point, though? I mean, I guess since Shawna is immune and Mike is not as social then I am the bigger threat, but it’s disappointing.
You know what bothers me a lot? The fact that I will probably not make All-Stars, not that I think I am the last Coke on the dessert, but I feel had I made it further, my storyline and antics might have helped me get in on that season. And then, I’m not even sure if I am going to have a third chance to earn my spot *ehem* Alright, time to try and pull a rainbow out of my ass.
Post by Semhar Tadesse on Apr 10, 2012 1:01:28 GMT -5
EPISODE XI ”It’s time to sell my soul to the devil…” Disregard my last confessional, after receiving confirmation from Stephanie that I am, in fact, going home I have decided to take a note from football and my background with fencing and volleyball. The best defense is a good offense. So I’m going BALLISTIC, I’m going balls out attacking every single human being who is not a core part of The Capitol, I am going to try and make them feel SO stupid that they will hopefully open their eyes and do what I’m saying. I mean, at this point it can’t hurt one bit. I am royally screwed.
I omitted Mike and Stephanie from my giant rant as well because I don’t want to increase their target, I included Shawna because her target can’t grow anymore, whatsoever. I do want to point out that I’m a little annoyed that Stephanie gave Shawna the immunity knowing she was going before me, so she basically chose me to be fed to the wolves. However, I also want to say that I understand why she did it, there is no way I can win enough immunities to defeat the Capitol’s retarmy of mindless zombies by myself. Shawna has a better chance at that than me.
It’s time to be absolutely ghetto and completely FUCK everyone, expose everything. I’m like Caryn from Palau self-destructing at Tribal Council, put everything out in the open and see where it works for me. In all honesty I doubt it’s going to help me at all since the vote is decided but I am hopeful that it will help the people I leave behind.
Maybe this ghetto outbreak will help me gather some extra points for All-Stars? It sucks because I feel I still had a lot to show. Oh well, time to fuck some bitches up!
Bob Dawg, wanna help me shank some whores like we do in the D?
Post by The One and Only BOB DAWG on Apr 10, 2012 10:56:36 GMT -5
It would be my pleasure. I'll call my gang... "Lex's Dawgs"